This Is the Hardest Multi-Pitch Climb in Mallorca, for Now... | La Isla Bonita, Ep. 2

2014-01-31 23

Mallorca is one of Europe's most beautiful islands so it's only natural that it has some of Europe's most beautiful rock climbing. But don't let the looks deceive you, it's frickin' burly as well. After years of searching, Jaime Mora and Alfonso Garcia have found what might be the burliest of the bunch, a multi-pitch monster they call 'Garcia Mora.'

The 'easy' pitches fall at about 7b. For those not fluent in European climber-ese, this means that there is barely a hold on the route that is wider than a knuckle of finger. With truly elegant style the Spaniards work the route from the bottom up (instead of rappelling down to try various pitches) so that when it falls it's that much sweeter. Note how they actually search the rock with their hands as they get into unclimbed sections of the route. Sport climbs don't get better than this.

Director: Nora Dorian
Video Producer: Nora Dorian
Athletes: Jaime Mora, Alfonso Garcia
Sports: Climbing

This Is the Hardest Multi-Pitch Climb in Mallorca, for Now... | La Isla Bonita, Ep. 2

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